Helping actors, influencers & creative entrepreneurs get NOTICED and book the job.

It isn’t all technique, I’m going to show the ENERGY side to manifesting work as a creative.

Because it truly doesn’t matter how talented you are, if you’re not inside the energy of someone who's famous, or in the belief that this can actually happen for you… then you will never call in the success you deserve.

One of the main things I see holding actors & influencers back is a deep rooted fear of being "seen".

'What if people judge me?'

'What if I'm not good enough?'

'What if I make a fool out of myself?'

But ironically as actors / entrepreneurs, we long to be noticed!!

I hate to break it to you, but your fear of showing up, your lack of self-belief and your focus on your current 'reality' (which let's face it, isn't seeing you results) is the reason you aren't booking the job.

So what's the solution?

"Fame Frequency"

... my secret formula.

An energy, a mindset and a way of being you get to embody.

When you understand what it means to think, act and move like someone already 'famous', you change the game in your career.

Because people long to be around this energy, they crave your attention, they would do anything to be close to you...

If you really want to be recognised, this frequency will do it!!

So, what do we cover inside this course?

We first figure out your vision and your business plan - if you don't know what you want/ how far you want to go, how will you receive it?

Then we work on de-bunking your limiting beliefs around what your capable of, your identity and what being "famous" means in general - if we don't share the same beliefs as someone successful, how can we be successful ourselves?

Next, we work on understanding what 'Celebrity Energy' means to YOU and how you can step into this version of yourself today - if we move like we're famous, we ARE famous.

Finally, we work on taking massive ACTION to get what we want - strategy is just as important!

Week 1 - social media, business strategy & positioning yourself as "entrepreneur"

Week 2 - letting go of limitations, abolishing fear & worthiness re-framing

Week 3 - celebrity beliefs, confidence coding, falling back in love with your industry

Week 4 - embodying your inner celebrity, showing off your talent, taking massive action!

What's included:

🪄4 x online modules

🪄Exclusive podcasts/ audio downloads

🪄BONUS Q&A with LA producer Jasmine Holdsworth

🪄Community accountability

🪄1x LIVE group coaching session with Jessica (including hot seat coaching/ Q&A)

Add your VIP option at checkout:

+ 90 min private 1-1 session with Jessica to find clarity on your own career goals and rid your blocks on an intimate level.

+ 7 days Signal messaging support

Email me at for more questions/ to discuss a payment plans.

Click below to grab your spot and I'll see you inside...